Forums - Hey James Chen Dark Stalkers help?! Show all 9 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Hey James Chen Dark Stalkers help?! ( Posted by Magneto83 on 06:10:2001 11:03 PM: Hey James Chen Dark Stalkers help?! Hey James or somebody. Can U tell me how to do Morrigans infininte? And is Anakaris worth using since people like to play cheesy now? If so can you give me some tips for him? thx. -Magneto- Posted by TimeFlip on 06:10:2001 11:11 PM: Actually, Morrigan has 2 infinites; Here they are: D+Fp/\Jp,D+Rk,HCB+K, Land and repeat And, in the corner: Jumping Jp,Sk,Jp,Sk,Fp,HCB+K, jump and repeat. Set this combo up with Psy AAA or the like. I'm not too good with Anakaris though.o Posted by Magneto83 on 06:10:2001 11:21 PM: kool thx. James where r u? Posted by Middlekick on 06:10:2001 11:51 PM: This not a darkstalkers thread, it's an Mvc2 thread talking about the ds characters. DON'T DO THAT!!! *cries* Posted by jchensor on 06:12:2001 04:09 AM: I agree with Middlekick. ^_^ I was, like, "Oh boy!! I get to finally dispense some Vampire Savior knowledge! Woo hoo!!!" :-( I've done a Morrigan Inifnite which requires you to Juggle the enemy in the corner. TimeFlip already mentioned it as the second combo in his post. Timing is hard, though, and the best way to set it up IS through an Assist. As for Anakaris strategies?!? Heh, I'm not an expert on MvC2, not by any means. My advice would be worthless. Hopefully, someone else can help you answer it. Just post MvC2 Anakaris Help instead. ^_^ YOu're chasing all the people away making them think this is a Darkstalkers Thread. ^_^ - James Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 12:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by Middlekick This not a darkstalkers thread, it's an Mvc2 thread talking about the ds characters. DON'T DO THAT!!! *cries* I agree...I miss playing with Sasquatch Here's the only stuff I know about Anakaris: Anakaris has a ground infinite like: Sk,Jp, cancel into a superjump, and DF+Hk, repeat He also has an infinite with Cyc AAA D+Fp+Cyc/\Sk,Sk, QCF+KK He can play keepaway by throwing coffins all day, and he has very good range on most of his moves. He is the only person in the game to have a long range unblockable move. However, his moves have bad lag, and he doesn't take damage too well so he must be played carefully. Posted by SilverGear on 06:12:2001 01:25 PM: Man. quote: Originally posted by Middlekick This not a darkstalkers thread, it's an Mvc2 thread talking about the ds characters. DON'T DO THAT!!! *cries* I feel your pain I was looking forward to some Darkstalkers Discussion *goes into his room and cries himself to sleep* Well Middlekick, James, and Time Flip if you guys want I can make a Darkstalkers thread were we can discuss strats, combos, and what-not Posted by elffzero on 06:12:2001 01:28 PM: *sniff* i thought i was going to talk about DS3... i am soooo... bummed. will i never see lilith in another serious fighting game?? Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 01:43 PM: Re: Man. quote: Originally posted by SilverGear I feel your pain I was looking forward to some Darkstalkers Discussion *goes into his room and cries himself to sleep* Well Middlekick, James, and Time Flip if you guys want I can make a Darkstalkers thread were we can discuss strats, combos, and what-not Beat y'all 2 it All times are GMT. The time now is 10:03 PM. Show all 9 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.